众所周知,随着现代化的发展,广大人民的审美水平不断提升,在装修设计上对真石漆的使用也越发的普遍,市场上的真石漆五花八门,如何去选择一家靠谱的真石漆厂家呢?1. 质量是第一标准买房装修对很多人来说都是一辈子的大事,特别是装修,房子买好了装修没搞好,等于白买,很多人在购买真石漆的时候贪图便宜,购买的往往是低端劣质的真石漆产品,这样的真石漆产品往往会不耐用,优质的真石漆附着性是非常强的,但质量差的就不行了,可能用个几年就会脱落,这对于刚买的新房来说真的是一大遗憾。所以在购买真石漆时要挑对真石漆厂家,武汉奥贝齐的真石漆时业内有名的质量好。2. 种类搭配要丰富 在新房装修的时候,使用真石漆往往会用到多种...
Introduction to fire protection coatings
Introduction to fire protection coatingsOberqi technology department --Fire retardant coating is not a panacea, fire retardant coating is not suitable for anywhere. For different purposes, please select the correct fireproof coating function. Fire retardant coating is used on flammable base material...
Introduction of fireproof coating for steel structure
Wuhan obiqi technology department --The chemical structure of fire retardant coating also decided the construction method of fire retardant coating, but what exactly is the material of fire retardant coating, fire retardant coating actually use the terminal consumers do not seem to be too is that is...
Advantages of water paint
Water paint crystal clear, good flexibility and resistant to water, wear resistance, resistance to aging, resistance to yellow, dry quickly, easy to use and other characteristics. Can be used in: wood, metal, plastic, glass, building surface and other materials. According to statistics data from the...
Factory inspection and type inspection of fireproof coating for steel structure
Steel structure fireproof coating factory inspection items are divided into two categories: routine items and sampling items. Routine items shall include at least the conditions in the container, drying time, initial drying resistance and pH value, and shall be inspected in batches. Sampling inspect...